ants now cultivate the soil of their progenitors.
Topsliam, Me.
One of the shire towns* of Liftcolh co. Topsham is'pleasantly situated on the N. side of Androscoggin riv- er, opposite to Brunswick. This is' a good farming town, and, in com- mon with Brunswick, enjoys a great hydraulic power, and accommoda- tions for ship building and naviga- tion. It is a place of considerable trade, and much lumber is annual- ly shipped. >
Topsham was incorporated in 1764. Population, 183‘7, 1,778.
Topshain, Vt.
Orange co. This town is on ele- vated ground ; with a rocky, strong soil, adapted to grazing. It con-, tains much granite, and is watered by the upper branches of Wait’s river, which propel a number of mills. The town was first settled in 1781. Population 1830, 1,384. It is 19 miles S. E. from Montpe- lier, 47 N. from Windsor, and 15 N. E; from Chelsea.
Tor ring to 11, Ct.
Litchfield co. This town was first settled in 1737. Its surface is diversified by hill.s and. valleys, and the soil is better adapted to grazing thamthe culture of grain. There are many sheep in the town, and. the products of. the dairy are con-_ siderable. Population, 1830,1,654.
Two branches of Naugatuck riv- er meet at Wolcottville\ a beauti-. ful village, in the south part of the town; 26 miles W. N. W. from Hartford, 40 N. by W. from New Haven, and 7 N. by E. from Litch- field. This village is. situated in a valley, and contains an extensive woolen factory, a church, an acad- emy, and a number of handsome dwelling houses. Near this village, a good bed of copper ore has re- cently been discovered ; and Mr. Israel Coe, the proprietor, has com-
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menced the manufacture of brass kettles, the first establishment of the kind, it is believed, in the Uni- ted States.
W.olcottville owes its rise,, prin- cipally, to Oliver' Wolcott, secretary of the United States Treasury, during the .administra- tions of Washington and John Ad- ams; and governor of Connecticut '10 successive years. He was born at .Litchfield, and died in New York, 1833, aged 74.
Townsend, Mass*
Middlesex co. The surface of this town is rather level; gome parts are pine plains.' The soil is'gener- ally light, but in some'sections it is productive, particularly of fruit trees. It is watered by a branch ot the Nashua, a beautiful mill stream, on which are divers mechanical op- erations. “Townsend Harbor,” on the road from Groton to New Ips- wich, N. H., is an active, pleasant village. The manufactures of this town 'consist of leather, palra-leaf hats, boots, shoes, ploughs, straw bonnets, fish barrels* nail kegs, and dry casks; annual value, about $7'5,00Q. This 'town was incorpo- rated in 1732. Population, in 1830, 1,506; 1837,1,749. It lies 38 miles N. from Boston, and 22 N. W. from Concord.
Townsliend, Vti
Windham co. This town was first settled in 1761. Among the first settlers, was Gen. Samuel Fletcher, who was a sergeant at the battle of Bunker Hill, in 1775, and a captain at Ticonderoga, in 1777. He afterwards rose to the rank of major general of the mili- tia ; was high sheriff of the county 18 years, and finally became judge of the court. He was formerly a blacksmith; but having welded himself to a buxom lass, he came to this, then wilderness spot, and, with his axe cut his way to fortune, use- fulness and renown. |