at the mouth of Penobscot Eiver, a distance of 20 miles N. from Owl's Head. This bay affords many varieties of fish, contains many good har- bors, and on its borders are many large and flourishing towns.
Penobscot River, Me. This large and impor- tant river, with its numerous and extensive branches, waters a great portion of the state. It pierces the county which bears its name, and receives tributaries from Washington, Hancock, Waldo, Piscataquis, and Somerset counties. Be- low the union of the E. and W. branches, the Piscataquis and Matawamkeag are its largest tributaries. Prom the junction of the two branch- es, or “the Forks," to tide water at Bangor, is about 76 miles. The E. branch rises at the N. in the Seboois Lakes, near Aroostook Eiver, and on its passage to the junction, a distance of about 50 miles, it is properly called Seboois Eiver. The W. branch of the Penobscot rises in the high lands on the border of Lower Canada and the W. frontier of Me. It passes through the counties of Somerset and Piscataquis in an E. direction, to its junction with the E. branch, receiving in its course the waters of Lakes Che- suncook, Pemadumcook, Millinoket, and other large collections of water. This branch passes within 3 miles of the N. border of Moose Head Lake, the source of Kennebec Eiver. The length of this branch of the Penobscot, from its source touts union with the E. branch or Seboois Eiver, may be stated at about 140 miles, and the great- est length of the river to Bangor, 215, and to the ocean, 275 miles. Some of the most important tributaries of this majestic river are noted under their distinctive names. A description of them all, with their hydraulic powers and boatable capabilities, their rapid courses and beautiful cataracts, their fertilizing qualities, and other peculiarities, would fill a volume. Indeed, these streams, and the immense basin which they drain, are so little known, that some years must elapse before any thing like a fair delineation of the value and beauty of this interesting section of New England can be given.
PensauJcie River, Brown co., Wn. A small stream flowing in a N. of E. direction into Green Bay, which it enters S. from Oconto Eiver.
Pensacola Bay, Fa., sets up from the Gulf of Mexico, between Barancas Point and the W. end of St. Eosa Island. The entrance to the bay, between these points, is only about three fourths of a mile wide, and is well defended by a fort on Point Barancas. The bar has 22 feet of water at low tide. Extending in a N. E. direction, the bay has a length in some parts of 28'miles, and an average width of about 3 miles. About 11 miles from its mouth, it divides into three parts, called Escambia Bay, Yellow Water Bay, and East Bay. Escambia Bay is on the W., and is so called from the name of the river, which it re- ceives from Florida. Yellow Water Bay also receives the river of that name. East Bay, which is 7 miles long, admits frigates of the largest class to ride at anchor, and is en- tirely protected from all winds. The city of Pensacola is situated on the W. shore of the principal bay, about 10 miles from the entrance from the gulf. The harbor of Pensacola is good, being the deepest haven on the N. coast of the Gulf of Mexico. The country around this bay is generally low and barren.
Peoria, Lake, Is. This lake, which is an ex- 30 |
pansion of Illinois Eiver, extends 20 miles in a S. W. direction to Peoria village. It is much wider than the river, has a gravelly bottom, and very little current. It is divided by the Narrows into two parts, and abounds with various kinds of fish.
Pepacton River. See Delaware River.
Pepin Lake. An expansion of the Mississippi Eiver, 1 mile below the junction of the St. Croix, and 100 miles below St. Anthony's Falls. It is 24 miles long, and from 2 to 4 miles wide.
Pequannock Creek, N. J., rises in the Walkill and Wawayanda Mts., Sussex co., and flowing S. E. and S. 27 miles, its rapid current affording good water power, falls into the Passaic. It is called Pompton Eiver below Pompton village.
Pequawkett River, N. H. This stream bears an Indian name formerly applied to a tract of coun- try now including Conway, N. H., Fryeburg, Me., and some of the adjacent towns. The river rises in two-ponds in Eaton, and falls into the Saco.
Pequest Creek, N.J., is a large and rapid stream. Its two head branches unite in Independence, Warren co., and after a course of 30 miles it en- ters the Delaware at Belvidere village.
Peqwonoc Creek, New London co., Ct. A small stream emptying into Long Island Sound, be- tween Mystic and Thames Eivers.
Perch Lake, N. Y., rises in Orleans, Jefferson co., flows S. W. into the village of Dexter, where it enter's Black Eiver.
Perdido River, Aa. and Fa., rises in Baldwin co., Aa., and flowing S. 40 miles, enters the Gulf of Mexico through a narrow and shallow bay.
Perkiomen River, Pa., rises in Upper Milford, at the foot of South Mt., flows S. about 30 miles, receiving a number of tributaries, which with the main river afford good water power, and enters the Schuylkill 6 miles above Norristown.
Perpetua, Cape, On. A small point of land situated on the Pacific coast, N. N. E. from Cape Gregory.
Perry's Peak, Bichmond, Ms. Height 2089 ft.
Peshtego River, Brown co., Wn. This large river rises in the N. W. interior of the county, flows S. E., receiving numerous branches, and falls into Green Bay a little below the mouth of Menomonee Eiver.
Peshakeme River, Mn. It rises in Michigamme Lake, in the N. part of Marquette co., and flows S. into the Wesacota or Brule Eiver.
Peterah River, Ma. A small stream emptying into the Mississippi E. from Eum Eiver.
Petersburg Mountains, N! Y., are a range of not very high hills extending S- from Washington, through Eensselaer and a part of Columbia co.
Petite Jean Creek, As. A large stream rising in the W. part of Scott co., and flowing a little N. of E. into the Arkansas Eiver, which it enters on the boundary between Perry and Yell counties.
Pey ox Elm River, Ma. A large stream flow- ing S. E., and emptying into the Tchan Sansan, or Eiver a Jaques, just below Tchanchicanah Lake.
Pharaoh Lalce lies in the town of Schroon, Essex co., N. Y.
Phelps Lake, N. C. A sheet of water lying in the S. E. part of Washington co., and connected by a creek with Albemarle Sound.
Philadelphia River, Vt. A small stream origi- nating in the S. part of Goshen, and running S. W. through Chittenden into Pittsford, where it unites with East Creek. |