tons' burden. A number of vessels are owned here, and the coasting trade and fisheries give employment to many of the inhabitants. The town is watered by Maskachug and Hunt's Rivers, on which are cotton mills and other manufactories. The soil of the town is rather rough and stony, but it yields good crops of corn, barley, and potatoes. East Greenwich is noted for excellent fruit and cider.
The Kentish Guards was established here in 1774, and proved a nursery of distinguished offi- cers, of which the celebrated General Nathaniel Greene was one. Across the bay, to Bristol, is about 8 miles. 14 miles S. from Providence.
East Haddam, Ct., Middlesex co. A town of considerable trade and manufacturing enterprise, on the E. side of the Connecticut, and at the out- let of Salmon River. The soil is hilly and rocky, and more fit for grazing than tillage. Consider- able business is done here in the shad fishery. It is supposed that more leather is made in this than in any other town in the state. This place has fine water privileges, both for navigation and manufactures. A short distance from the centre of the town is a pond covering 1000 acres. On the river formed by the outlet of this pond, the water is precipitated over rocks nearly 70 feet per- pendicular. The scenery around these falls is beautiful, and worthy of particular notice.
Leesville, on Salmon River, and Mechanics- ville, on Moodus River, a branch of Salmon River, are very flourishing settlements.
This place, the Indian Mackimoodus, is re- markable for frequent slight shocks of earth- quakes, producing singular noises, which the Indians attributed to the anger of their gods towards the white men. It is said that some valuable geological discoveries have recently been made in this quarter. The town was first settled in 1685, but not incorporated until 1724.
Eastham, Ms., Barnstable co., lies on both sides of Cape Cod, which, at this place, is about 3 miles across. It is the ancient Nausat of the Indians, and was purchased of the natives by the people at Plymouth, prior to its grant by the court, in 1644. A settlement commenced the year the grant was made. The soil of this town was formerly considered as unproductive as any on the cape; but by good management it has been made to furnish a supply of breadstuff's for its own inhabitants, and some for exportation. There is a pear tree in this town celebrated for its longevity. It was brought from England by Thomas Prince, who was elected governor of the colony in 1634. Its fruit is said to be fair and good, and yields about 15 bushels annually. 22 miles E. N. E. from Barnstable, and 66 S. E. by E. from Boston, by water.
Easthampton, Ms., Hampshire co. This is a pleasant town, on the W. side of Connecticut River, 5 miles S. from Northampton, of which it was formerly a part. The Hampshire and Hamp- den Canal passes through this town, but has been abandoned, and a railroad substituted for it. The Mount Tom range of mountains commences here, and extends into the state of Connecticut. The highest part of the range is in this town, and is 1214 feet above the river. A large part of the lands in Easthampton are fertile and productive. There is here a flour- ishing and richly-endowed English and classical seminary, founded and endowed at an expense of $50,000, the munificence of the Hon. Samuel |
Williston, under the name of the Williston Semi- nary.
East Hampton, N. Y., Suffolk co. Situated on the E. extremity of Long Island. 114 miles E. from New York city, and 267 E. S. E. from Al- bany. This town, including land and water, embraces a large area, being about 23 miles in length, over the narrow strip running up from Montauk Point to its western boundary, and about 12 miles in breadth, on a line from the northern extremity of Gardiner's Island, which is connected with it, directly across the town to the ocean. The village is built principally on a single street, a mile and a half long, and about three fourths of a mile from the southern shore. The town was settled in 1649, by 30 families from Lynn, and the neighboring towns, in Massachu- setts. There is a small remnant of the Montauk Indians still remaining, upon a reservation of 1000 acres, held by them under the conditions of their sale of the Montauk tract to the whites, about 180 years ago. See Montauk Point, p. 221.
East Hanover, Pa., Lebanon co. 21 miles E. from Harrisburg.
East Hartford, Ct., Hartford co. This town is situated opposite to Hartford, and connected with it by a bridge across Connecticut River. The soil of the town is generally fertile, but the allu- vial meadows on the border of the river, of which there is a large tract, is of a superior quality. The agricultural products of this town are very considerable. Hackanum River furnishes the town with a good water power, on which are val- uable manufacturing establishments, particularly of paper. East Hartford is noted for its man- ufactures in former years. The first powder mill in this country, it is said, was erected here, in
1775. This is a very pleasant town. The main 'street, which is very long and wide, is delight- fully shaded by stately elms. East Hartford was taken from Hartford in 1784.
East Haven, Ct., New Haven co. This town was taken from New Haven in 1785, and is con- nected with New Haven by a bridge. It has good navigable privileges, and is watered by Quinnipiac River. This was a great resort for the Indians in former years. On Grave Hill were an Indian fort and cemetery. Bones of Indians of a large size, and domestic and warlike imple- ments for savage use, have been found here. The Indian Well, in a granite rock, on an island in Stony River, is a curiosity. East Haven is pleasantly located, and commands a fine prospect of Long Island Sound.
East Haven, Yt., Essex co. The land in thi3 township is high, but much of it is very suitable for grazing. Passumpsic River crosses the W. corner, and the head of Moose River waters the eastern part, each being about two rods wide, and affording good mill sites. There were five or six families in this town as early as 1814. 24 miles N. W. from Guildhall, and 69 N. E. from Mont- pelier.
East Hempfeld, Pa., Lancaster co. Watered on the E. by Little Conestoga Creek. Surface principally level. 38 miles E. S. E. from Har- risburg.
East Huntingdon, Pa., Westmoreland co. Wa- tered by branches of Jacob's Creek.
East Kingston, N. H., Rockingham co. The soil is of an excellent quality, and well adapted to grain and grass. Powow River crosses the S. W. part of this town. Eirst settlers, William |