N. by Newton co., E. by Clarke, S. by Jones, and W. by Smith. Drained by tributaries of Leaf River.
Jasper County, Mo., Jasper shire town. Bounded N. by Bates co., E. by Cedar, Dade, and Law- rence, S. by Newton co., and W. by Indian terri- tory. Surface undulating, and watered by a branch of Neosho River; soil fertile.
Jasper, N. Y., Steuben co. Watered by Ben- nett's and Tuscarora Creeks. Surface undulat- ing; soil gravelly loam and clay. 18 miles S. W. from Bath, and 240 W. by S. from Albany.
Jasper, Te., c. h. Marion co. On the W. side of Sequatchy River. 114 miles S. E. from Nashville.
Jasper County, Ts., c. h. at Jasper. On the middle E. border, between the Sabine and Naches.
Java, N. Y., Wyoming co. Drained by Sen- eca and the head branches of Cattaraugus Creek. The surface is rolling; soil clay loam. 15 miles S. W. from Warsaw, and 263 W. from Albany.
Jay County, la., c. h. at Jay. Bounded N. by Wells and Adams counties, E. by Ohio, S. by Randolph, and W. by Delaware and Blackford counties. Drained by Salamie River Soil chief- ly fertile.
Jay, la., c. h. Jay co. On the N. side of Salamie River. 100 miles N. E. from Indianapolis.
Jay, Me., Eranklin co. Jay lies at a bend of Androscoggin River, 29 miles W. by N. from Augusta, and 12 S. S. W. from Farmington.
Jay, N. Y., Essex co. The E. branch of the Au Sable River waters this town, the surface of which is broken by the Adirondack range of mountains. Along the borders of the river are some extensive and fertile plains. 18 miles N. from Elizabeth, and 153 N. from Albany.
Jay, Vt., Orleans co. A part of this town is very mountainous—Jay's Peak, lying in the S. W. part; the other part is good arable land, and would produce good crops if well cultivated. A number of streams issue from the mountain, and produce an ample water-power. Previous to the last war with Great Britain, 5 or 6 families had settled in this township, but during the wrar they nearly all left it. A few families have since re- turned, and the settlement has been advancing. 16 miles N. W. from Irasburg, and 50 N. from Montpelier.
Jefferson City, Mo. Capital of the state, and seat of justice of Cole co. 130 miles W. of St. Louis. It is situated on the S. side of the Mis- souri River, about 9 miles above the mouth of Osage River. The distance to St. Louis by steamboat is 154 miles. It is built on elevated and uneven ground, offering many handsome situations for private residence. The public build- ings arc the State House, a spacious and elegant house for the governor, the state penitential, an academy, and churches of various denomina- tions. The place is rapidly growing in popula- tion, business, and wealth.
Jefferson County, Aa., c. h. at Elvton. Bounded N. by Blount co., E. and S. by St. Clair and Shel- by, and W. by Tuscaloosa and Walker counties. Drained by Locust Fork of Black Warrior River and its tributaries.
Jefferson County, As., c. h. at Pine Bluffs. Bounded N. by Pulaski, E. by Arkansaw, S. by Desha and Dallas, and W. by Dallas and Saline counties. The Arkansas River flows nearly through the centre of this county, which is also watered by branches of Bayou, Bartholomew, and Saline Rivers. |
Jefferson County, Fa., c. h. at Monticello. Bounded N. by Georgia, E. by Oscilla River, sepa- rating it from Madison co., S. by Appaiachee Bay, and W. by Wakulla and Leon counties. Mickasuky Lake lies in the W. part, and its out- let, united with several other streams, and afford ing some water power, sinks into the earth, and disappears 2 miles S. E. from the lake. Soil fer- tile in many portions.
Jefferson County, Ga., c. h. at Louisville. Bounded N. and E. by Warren, Richmond, and Burke counties, S. by a branch of Ogeechee River, separating it from Emanuel co., and W. by Washington co. Brier Creek runs on its N. E. border, and Ogeechee River and branches. Reedy and Mill Creeks, drain the interior.
Jefferson, Ga., c. h. Jackson co. On the W. side of Oconee River. 95 miles N. from Mil- ledgeville.
Jefferson County, Is., c. h. at Mount Vernon. Bounded N. by Marion, E. by Wayne and Ham- ilton, S. by Franklin, and W. by Berry and Washington counties. Branches of Big Muddy and Little Wabash water this county, of which one third of the surface is prairie, and the soil tolerably fertile.
Jefferson County, la., c. h. at Madison. Incor porated in 1809, and bounded N. by Jennings and Ripley, E. by Switzerland co., S. by the Ohio River and Clark co., and W. by Scott co. Surface diversified and drained by branches of Muscatauck River, by Indian Kentucky, and Big and Lewis Creeks. Soil fertile.
Jefferson County, Io., c. h. at Fairfield. Incor- porated in 1839, and bounded N. by Keokuck and Washington counties, E. by Henry, S. by Van Buren, and W. by Warello co. Drained by Checauque or Skunk River and tributaries. Soil fertile. Limestone and anthracite coal are found here.
Jefferson County, Ivy., c. h. at Lbuisville. Bounded N. by Oldham co., E. by Shelby, S. by Bullitt co., and W. by Salt River, separating it from Hardin co., and the Ohio River, separating it from Indiana. Floyd's Fork and Pond Creek, branches of Salt River, water this county, opposite which are the rapids of the Ohio, having a canal around them.
Jefferson Parish, La., c. h. at Lafayette. Bounded N. by the Mississippi River, separating it from Orleans parish, E. by Plaquemine parish, S. by Barrataria Bay, and W. by La Fourehe In- terior and St. Charles parishes. The surface is mostly too low for cultivation, except on the borders of the rivers.
Jefferson, Me., Lincoln co. Jefferson lies at the head of Damariscotta River, and embraces a large body of water. It is otherwise watered by several ponds, producing streams for mill seats, which give to Jefferson great facilities for sawing and transporting lumber. This is a flourishing town in its trade and agricultural pursuits. It is bounded N. by Washington, and S. by New- castle. 28 miles E. S. E. from Augusta.
Jefferson County, Mi., c. h. at Fayette. This county is bounded N. by Claiborne, E. by Copiah, S. by Franklin and Adams counties, and W. by the Mississippi River, separating it from Louis- iana. Drained by Bayou Pierre and Homochitto Rivers, and Fairchild's and Cole's Creeks and branches. Soil poor in the E., but fertile in the W. portions.
Jefferson County, Mo., c. h. at Hillsboro'. |