The mousseline de laine works owned by the Manchester Print Works Corporation include two large mills, print works, dye house, and bleach house, with the necessary appurtenances. These mills contain 48,000 spindles, 1230 looms, and to- gether with the print works connected therewith give employment to 600 males and 1150 females, and consume annually about 600,000 pounds of cotton, 1.100,000 pounds of wool, 4000 cords of wood, 1000 tons of coal, 10,000 gallons of olive oil, 8000 gallons of sperm oil, 6000 gallons of whale oil, 60,000 pounds of oil soap, and 60,000 pounds of starch, and produce about 10,000,000 yards of mousseline de laines and fine prints, that are celebrated for the brilliancy of their colors and the taste displayed in the patterns.
Since the beginning of the year 1839, a large village has grown up near the mills, in which are
8 meeting houses erected at an expense of more than $50,000, for the use of the Congrega- tionalists, Baptists, Universalists, Methodists, Freewill Baptists, Episcopalians, and Unitarians. Several of these are large and handsome buildings.
9 school houses afford accommodations for 15 schools, and upwards of 900 scholars. There are 4 large hotels, 75 stores, and more than 400 pri- vate dwellings. A town house 90 by 68 feet, 2 stories high, with a spacious town hall, cupola, clock, bell, &c., erected in 1841, at an expense of $23,000, was destroyed by fire in August, 1842, and is now rebuilt.
The village is beautifully situated on a plain about 90 feet above the river, the boarding houses of the corporations occupying the slope towards the canals. It is laid out upon a plan at once neat and convenient. The principal street is 100 feet wide, and extends more than a mile N. and S., and from 60 to 100 rods distant from the river; 10 other streets intersect this at right angles, and 4 others run parallel to it. These streets are about 50 feet wide. Four large squares have been laid out for public use, some of which are enclosed and planted with trees.
A public cemetery, called the Valley, contain- ing 20 acres, at a short distance from the village, is a beautiful spot. It is intersected by a deep valley and a running stream, and is laid out with winding paths and avenues. It is always a place of great resort, and of just pride to the citizens.
An Athenaeum was established in January, 1844, which has a library of 2200 volumes, and a reading room for periodicals and newspapers; and a law library has been commenced, which has now about 400 volumes.
Two free bridges across the Merrimae connect this town with Goftstown and Bedford. These are new and handsome structures, erected at an expense of more than $28,000.
The villages of Piscataquog and Amoskeag, on the W. side of the river, are connected by these bridges with Manchester, and, in fact, constitute with it but one place of business.
At the mouth of the Cohas is a thriving vil- lage growing up around the mills on that stream.
The growth of the city of Manchester is unrivalled by any place in this country except Lowell, and is a magnificent specimen of the en- terprise and skill of the New England people. The population within the limits in 1838 was about 50 ; in 1848, it contained 12,000 inhabi- tants; in 1850, 13,933. Manchester was incor- porated as a city in 1846. |
Manchester is on the great Northern Railroad, 58 miles from Boston and 17 from Concord. It is also connected by railroad with the Boston and Maine Railroad, direct to Lawrence, Ms., 27 miles, and thence to Salem, Ms., 23 miles, where it is connected with the Eastern Railroad.
Manchester, N. J., Passaic co. Incorporated in 1836. It is watered by Ramapo, Pompton, and Passaic Rivers, which afford extensive water priv- ileges. Surface hilly and mountainous.
Manchester, N. Y., Ontario co. Drained by the Canandaigua outlet. Clifton Springs, situated in the E. part of this town, are quite celebrated. 8 miles N. E. from Canandaigua.
Manchester, Te., c. h. Coffee co. On the head waters of Duck Biver. 68 m. S. E. from Nashville.
Manchester, Vt., Bennington co. One of the county towns. Situated between the Green Moun- tains on the E., and Equinox Mountain on the W. There are two neat villages in this valley. The town is watered by the Battenkill and its branches, and affords good mill sites. The soil along the watercourses is good, but the principal part of the town is better for grazing than tillage. Here are large quarries of beautiful marble, and a curious cavern ; also a variety of minerals. 25 miles N. by E. from Bennington, and about 40 W. from Bellows Falls, across the mountains.
Manchester, Va., Chesterfield co. On the S. side of James River, opposite Richmond. There are numerous manufactories here, among which are those of cotton seed oil, tobacco, and flour.
Manhattanville, N. Y., New York co; On the E. side of Hudson River, and has a good landing. 8 miles N. from the City Hall, New Yrork. The New York Lunatic Asylum is located near this vil- lage. There is an extensive white lead factory here. The Hudson River Railroad passes through it.
Manheim, N. Y., Herkimer co. Bounded on the S. by the Mohawk River, and drained by East Canada Creek, one of its tributaries. This is a hilly town, with a fertile soil. 10 miles E. from Herkimer, and 70 N. W. from Albany.
Manheim, Pa., Lancaster co. Watered by Great Conestoga on its E., and Little Conestoga Creek on its S. W. border. Moravia Creek also traverses its N. E. corner. Surface undulating; soil cal- careous loam and clay. 33 miles E.*S. E. from Harrisburg.
Manheim, Pa., York co. Watered by Hammer, a branch of Codorus Creek. Surface undulating; soil rich loam. 16 miles S. W. from York.
Manheim, Pa., Schuylkill co. Watered by the Schuylkill and tributaries; gravelly and barren.
Manitowoc County, Mn., c. h. at Manitowoc. On the W. shore of Lake Michigan, opposite Lake Winnebago.
Manlius, N. Y., Onondaga co. Chittenango and Limestone Creeks water this town, the surface of which is somewhat rolling, and the soil uncom- monly fertile. 10 miles E. from Syracuse, by railroad, and 120 N. of W. from Albany.
Mannington, N. J., Salem co. Surface level, and watered by Salem River and Mannington Creek ; soil rich loam. 6 miles N. E. from Salem.
Manny, La., c. h. Sabine parish. 30 miles S. W. from Natchitoches.
Manor, Pa., Lancaster co. Drained by streams flowing into Conestoga River, which forms its S. E. boundary. 6 miles S. W. from Lancaster.
Mansfield, Ct., Tolland co. Mansfield, the In- dian Nawbesetuck, was taken from Windham in 1703. The face of the towm is uneven, and some of the hills have considerable elevation. The |