Ionic order. Its location, however, on Thames Street, near the Long Wharf, is not favorable to its full appreciation as a building.
The Custom House is also 011 Thames Street, is a large brick building, with wings projecting in front and in the rear, and is open to the harbor. The Masonic Hall, on School Street, and the Amory Hall, on Clarke Street, are handsome edifices.
There are numerous religious denominations in Newport. The first regularly-organized Bap- tist church in this country was gathered here about 1641. Their first meeting-house was at Green End, now in Middletown. Subsequently they occupied the lot in Tanner Street, now used as a burial-place for the pastors of the church. Their first pastor, Dr. John Clark, was buried here. Their present house of worship, on Spring Street, is a neat and commodious edifice. The Baptists have likewise two or three other churches.
There were formerly two Calvinistic Congre- gational churches, of which some of the most learned and eminent of the New England divines have been the pastors. Among them were Dr. Styles, afterwards president of Yale College, and Dr. Hopkins, author of a System of Divinity. A few years ago, these churches were united in one.
There are also Unitarian Congregationalists, Episcopalians, Freewill Baptists, Sabbatarians, or Seventh-day Baptists, Methodists, Quakers, Moravians, and Roman Catholics. The present Quaker meeting house was built in 1700; at which date it is stated that one half the population were Quakers. Edmundson, in his Journal of Reli- gious Visits, says that the dispute between Roger Williams and some of the ministers of that de- nomination, in 1672,was held in the Friends' meet- ing house; Mr. Williams having come from Prov- idence in his log canoe for that purpose.
There was formerly a considerable body of Jews in Newport. Those who first came were of Dutch extract, from Cura^oa. The deed of their burial-place is dated February 28,1677. Butthose • of that nation who were subsequently among the
most enterprising of the Newport merchants were from Spain and Portugal, about 75 years later. These last built the synagogue, now standing just E. of Spring Street, which was once thronged with worshippers. Dr. Water- house says, Newport was the only place in New England where the Hebrew language was pub- licly l-ead and chanted by more than 300 of the descendants of Abraham.'' There are no Jews now remaining in Newport; but their synagogue and burial-place remain, and are handsomely en- closed with iron fence; the former from the avails of a fund of $10,000, bequeathed to the town council by Mr. Abraham Touro, of Boston, son of their former priest, to keep it, with the burial- ground and the avenue leading to it, in perpetual repair; and the latter by the liberality of Mr. Judah Touro, of New Orleans, a brother of the first mentioned. These interesting relics are thus preserved from profanation, and rendered orna- mental to the town.
As a place of trade and commerce, previous to the American revolution, Newport was highly distinguished. Having the advantage of a safe and commodious harbor, never obstructed with ice, easy of ingress and egress with all winds, the people early turned their attention to navi- gation. For one hundred and fifty years from |
the arrival of the first emigrants,'' observes Benjamin B. Howland, Esq., an intelligent citizen, to whom we are indebted for many of the facts for this article, Newport and Boston were the chief cities of New England; and their commerce rendered each of them superior to New York. Several of the first settlers on the island were possessed of great wealth; some of them were from the commercial cities of Europe, and others from Massachusetts. Many who came here to reside were learned and refined, and the society of the place was literary and polite, giving tone to that of the surrounding country, who looked to Newport for their fashions and manners. Pre- vious to the revolution, the prosperity of the town was almost unequalled in the history of the world. ‘ Her streets were thronged with the intelligent and enterprising of distant lands, and the canvas of different nations whitened her capacious and delightful harbor. ' ''
Unfortunately, some of the capitalists of New- port entered into the African slave trade, which, strange and humiliating as it now appears, was then prosecuted and considered reputable by the mother country, and by other European na- tions.
At the commencement of the revolution, the population of Newport had increased to nearly
10,000. But with that momentous struggle came a day of sad disaster to this beautiful town. The first act of popular resistance to the encroach- ments of the British government was in the de- struction of his Britannic majesty's sloop Liber- ty, in 1769, stationed in the harbor of Newport to enforce the revenue laws, which was followed, a few years later, by the ejectment from its wa- ters of the squadron sent here under the com- mand of Wallace, to watch over the British in- terests. But in December, 1776, the British army commanded by Sir Henry Clinton landed at Coddington Cove, and obtained possession of the town, which they held during the war. Ow- ing to the interruption of its prosperity thus pro- duced, connected with other changes consequent upon the commencement of a new era in the commercial relations of the country, and espe- cially the impulse given to the growth of other cities, Newport has never recovered the rank which it held before as a mart of trade. The population fell off during the war to 5500; The business, which had somewhat revived during the wars in Europe, was again almost extin- guished by the long embargo preceding our war with England in 1812.
Since the application of steam to machinery, a number of large cotton and woollen manufac- tories have been established here, and considera- ble activity has been given to business in this new channel. The domestic fishery is an impor- tant resource to Newport, quite beyond the reach of political fluctuations. About sixty different kinds, comprising almost every species of fin and shell fish regarded as luxuries for the table, are taken in the greatest abundance in the waters of the Narraganset.
Progress is making in an enterprise to con- nect this place with Fall River, Bristol, and Providence, by railroad. This, when completed, will give a great impulse to the business of New- port, and add much to the advantages which it now enjoys as a place of fashionable resort. For further particulars, see Fashionable Resorts.
Newport, Te., c. h. Cocke co. On the S. W. |