stitution, beautifully located, and possessing every advantage for a female boarding school.
About half a mile S. of the village is located the Mount Pleasant State Prison, better known, perhaps, as the Sing Sing State Prison, which occupies 130 acres of ground. The buildings are in the form of a hollow square, enclosing a yard 500 feet by 250. The main prison is 484 feet in length and 44 in width, fronting westerly on the Hudson, being five stories high, and con- taining 1000 cells for prisoners. In the front and rear are the workshops, together with the keeper's house; and on the S., attached to the building, are a chapel, hospital, kitchen, and storehouses. These buildings, as well as the principal edifice, are all of rough dressed marble, quarried on the state farm. The prison for female convicts, a more recent structure, stands separate from that of the men, on an elevated site, and is a handsome marble building, of the Ionic order. These premises can be distinctly traced from the boats, in passing up and down the river. The average number of convicts at Sing Sing, in the year 1850, was 721, of whom 80 were females.
Sing celebrated for its marble quarries, which are worked, to a great extent, by the state prison convicts. The marble obtained here is of an excellent quality. The village derives its name, we are told, from the Indian words Ossin- sing, signifying a place of stone.
The Croton Aqueduct Bridge at this place, over the Sing Sing Creek, constructed of stone ma- sonry, in a single arch of 88 feet span, and rising about 100 feet from the creek, is an object of much curiosity, for its massive strength and ex- cellent workmanship.
Skaneateles, N. Y., Onondaga co. Watered by Skaneateles Lake, the larger part of which lies in this town, and by its outlet. Surface undulating ; soil very fertile. 16 miles S. W. from Syracuse, and 146 W. from Albany.
Skowhegan, Me., Somerset co. On the N. side of Kennebec River, at Skowhegan Falls, which afford a great water power. 5 miles below Nor- ridgewock, and 33 N. from Augusta.
Slatersville, R. I., town of Smithfield, Provi- dence co. A factory village, on a branch of Paw- tucket River. 19 miles N. W. from Providence. See Smithfield.
Smith County, Mi., c. h. at Raleigh. Bounded N. by Scott, E. by Jasper, S. by Jones and Co- vington, and W. by Simpson and Rankin coun- ties. Drained by the head branches of Leaf River.
Smith County, Te., c. h. at Carthage. Ken- tucky is on the N., Jackson co. E., White and Warren S. E., Wilson S. W., and Summer W. At Carthage, Caney Fork River joins the Cum- berland. Surface rather rolling than, hilly; soil generally productive.
Smithfield, N. Y., Madison co. Watered by Canaseraga and Cowasalon Creeks. A hilly town, with a very fertile soil. 5 miles N. from Morrisville, and 106 N. W. from Albany.
Smithfield, N. C., c.h. Johnson co. On theE. side of Neuse River. 27 miles S. E. from Raleigh.
Smithfield. R. I., Providence co. This is a large town, containing a great variety of surface and soil.
Smithfield has generally an undulating surface, presenting an agreeable diversity of moderate eminences and gentle declivities; but in some sections it is considerably rough and broken.
The manufacture of lime is an important and |
extensive business, and affords employment to a great number of persons. There is also a quarry of white stone at what is called Woonsocket Hill, that sustains heat remarkably well, which renders it very valuable for furnace hearths. About two miles distant from this, there is a quarry, contain- ing excellent whetstones, for edge tools.
The soil is a gravelly and sandy loam, with some sections of a calcareous loam. It is generally rich and fertile, although in some places it has been reduced by an exhausting system of culti- vation. There are, however, some low and marshy tracts, which are generally appropriated to mowing, and afford good crops of grass. The agricultural productions consist of the various ar- ticles common to the climate.
The waters of the town consist of the Black- stone, which washes its north-eastern border, and a branch of this river, nearly of equal size, which intersects the town, discharging its waters into the former, in the northern section of the town. After the union of these streams, the Blackstone is from 100 to 200 feet in width. At some seasons of the year, it overflows its banks, and has been known to rise from 15 to 20 feet above its usual height. Besides these, there are numer- ous small streams, some of which afford valuable sites for mills. In the S. part of the town, within about 4 miles from Providence, there is a consid- erable body of water, called Scots Pond. It is nearly a mile in length, about half a mile in width, and of great depth. What is remarkable in this pond is the steep descent of its shores. Cases have occurred of persons being drowned in attempting to water their horses at this pond.
There is a remarkable fall of water upon the Blackstone River, called Woonsocket Falls, which is considered as quite a curiosity. The fall is about 20 feet, not perpendicular, but over a precipice of rocks for some distance. The fall of the water upon these, rock?, through a succession of ages, has occasioned numerous excavations, all of which are smooth and circular, and some of them very large, being sufficient to contain sev- eral hogsheads.
The beautiful village of Woonsocket is situated at these falls, on the line of Cumberland; the river dividing the towns and the village into nearly equal parts. This village is a beautiful place. 11 miles from Providence by the railroad from Worcester to Providence.
Slatersville is another beautiful village in this town, on Branch River, about 2 miles W. from Woonsocket.
Smithfield is a large manufacturing town, con- taining many other pleasant villages, almost ex- clusively devoted to manufacturing objects.
Smithfield, Ya., c. h. Isle of Wight co. On a branch of James River. 15 miles above Hamp- ton, and 65 S. E. from Richmond.
Smithport, Pa., c. h. McKean co. 196 miles N. W. from Harrisburg.
Smithtown, N. Y., Suffolk co. Washed on the S. by Long Island Sound, and drained by Nes- aquake River. Surface chiefly level; soil sandy loam. 28 miles W. from Riverhead, and 197 S. E. from Albany.
Smithville, N. Y., Chenango co. Watered by Geneganslette and some other small branches of Chenango River. Surface undulating; soil sandy loam. 15 miles S. W. from Norwich, and 131 S. of W. from Albany. |