granted, in 1696, to volunteers in the Narragan- set war. The surface is in some parts hilly ; but the prevailing character of the surface and soil is a sandy and gravelly loam. The town is watered by Wood River, a branch of the Pawca- tuck. 14 miles E. from Norwich.
Wabash County, Is., c. h. at Mount Carmel. In the S. E. part of the state, on the waters of Wa- bash River.
Wabash County, la., c. h. at Wabash. In the N. part of the state, on both sides of the Wabash River.
Waculla County, Ea. Cefttral part of the state, on Appalachee Bay.
Wadesboro', N. C., c. h. Anson co. On a branch of the Great Pedee River, called Brown Creek. 70 miles W. from Fayetteville, and 143 S. E. from Raleigh. '
Wadesboro\ Ky., c. h. Callaway co. 255 miles S. W. from Frankfort.
Waitsjield, Yt., Washington co. The soil of this town is diversified, but generally a mellow loam, deep, and of excellent quality, producing grass and grain in the greatest abundance. Mad River passes through the town, and receives here Mill and Shepherd's Brook from the W., and Fay's and Pine Brook from the E., all of which are sufficient for mills. The intervales and high lands are of an excellent quality. A range of high lands runs through the eastern part of the town, the chief summit of which is called Bald Mountain. The first settlers were General Wait and family, who moved into this town in 1789. From Montpelier 20 miles S. W.
Wake County, N. C., c. h. at Raleigh. This coun- ty is bounded N. by Granville, N. E. by Franklin, S. E. by Johnson, W. by Chatham and Orange, and S. W. by Cumberland and Chatham. From N. to S. through the county winds Neuse River, and it is drained by the various branches of that â– stream.
Wakefield, N. H., Carroll co. Province Pond lies between Wakefield and Effingham, and is 480 rods long and 400 wide. Pine River Pond is the source of the river of that name, flowing N. W. into Ossipee Lake. The principal branch of the Piscataqua has its rise in Piscataqua Lake, for- merly called East Pond, between Wakefield and Newfield, Me. Lovewell's Pond, in the S. part of this town, is about 700 rods long and 275 wide. It derived its name from Captain John Lovewell, of Dunstable, who. on the 20th of February, 1725, surprised and destroyed a party of Indians en- camped on the side of the pond. Wakefield is a pleasant town ; possesses an excellent water pow- er ; has a good soil and some excellent farms. 50 miles N. E. from Concord, and about 10 S. E. from Ossipee. A railroad from Great Falls to Conway is to pass through this town.
Wakesha County, Wn. In the S. E. angle of the state.
Walden, Vt., Caledonia co. This is an elevated town, between the head waters of Winooski and Lamoille Rivers. Cole's Pond, lying in the town, produces a small stream called Joe's Brook. The surface is generally rough, but the soil in some parts of the town produces good crops. Nathaniel Perkins, Esq., movei nis family into this town- ship in January, 1789, and his was for three years the only family in Walden. 10 miles N. W. from Danville, and 25 N. E. from Mont- pelier. |
Waldo County, Me., c. h. at Belfast. Southern central. Bounded E. by Penobscot River and Bay. Undulating and fertile, with good facilities for both navigation and agriculture.
Waldo, Me., Waldo co. Its surface is pleasant, and its soil fertile: it abounds with mill sites. 44 miles E. N. E. from Augusta, and 7 W. N. W. from Belfast.
Waldoboro\ Me., Lincoln co. A port of entry, on both sides of Muscongus River. The tonnage of the district, which includes several neighboring towns, exceeds 100,000 tons. The soil is good, and there is a large water power in the vicinity, 37 miles S. E. from Augusta.
Wales, Me., Lincoln co. There is a beautiful pond lying partly in Wales and partly in Lisbon ; its outiet meets the Androscoggin a few miles above Topsham. Wales is an agricultural town of good soil and even surface. 20 miles S. W. from Augusta, and 26 N. W. from Wiscasset. Incorporated 1816.
Wales, Ms., Hampden co., was formerly a part of Brimfield, and called South Brimfield. This is a mountainous township, but there is much good land in the valleys, and most of the high lands afford excellent grazing. Near the village in the centre of the town is a beautiful pond, the outlet of which is the rise of the Wales Branch of Quinebaug River. This stream affords the town a good water power. From the top of Hitchcock's Hill, in the N. W. corner of the town, 1190 feet above the sea, is a splendid prospect. Wales was named for James Wales, Esq., one of the principal men in the town, at its incorporation, in 1828. 9 miles S. E. from
the depot of the Western Railroad at Palmer, from which to Boston is 83 miles.
Wales, N. Y., Erie co. Watered by Seneca Creek. Has an undulating surface, and good soil. 18 miles S. E. from Buffalo, and 268 W. from Albany.
Walker County, Aa., c. h. at Jasper. Has Frank- lin, Lawrence, and Morgan on the N., Blount E., Jefferson and Tuscaloosa S., and Marion and Fayette W. The higher branches of Tuscaloosa River drain the county.
Walker County, Ga., c. h. at La Fayette. In the N. W. corner of the state. Includes the height of land between the waters of the Ten- nessee and those of the Coosa. Rough and hilly, with fertile valleys.
Walker, Pa., Huntingdon co. The Raystown branch of the Juniata River bounds this town on the E. and S. Its surface is hilly; soil good calcareous loam in the valleys.
Walker County, Ts., c. h. at Huntsville. East- ern central. On the W. side of Trinity.
Wallingford, Ct., New Haven co. Its length from E. to W. is nearly 7 miles, and its breadth about 6. The prevailing surface is pleasantly diversified with moderate hills and dales; the eastern extremity of the township is mountain- ous. The soil is generally excellent, excepting a tract called Wallingford Plain, consisting of coarse sand, situated on the eastern bank of the Quinnipiac. The town is watered by the Quin- nipiac, a valuable mill stream, which passes through the extent of the town. Yaleville is a little manufacturing village in the northern sec- tion of the town. The principal village of Wal- lingford is beautifully situated on a fine elevation upwards of a mile E. of the river, on two parallel streets extending along the ridge of the hilL Wallingford originally belonged to New Ha- |