remain open during the whole year. Besides these, there are several respectable hotels of less note, affording good accommodations both sum- mer and winter. Near the springs there are sev- eral public bathing-houses, where cold and warm water, and shower baths, can at all times be ob- tained.
The celebrated mineral waters, which are the great cause of attraction to this place, require a more particular notice. They issue from the limestone formation, which underlies the whole surface of sandy soil upon which the village is built; most of them coming out near the margin of a small stream which runs through the village, in the narrow valley on the E. of the principal street., It is not known at what precise period these springs were first discovered. It is said that the whites discovered them by remarking the track of the deer, who frequented them in such numbers as to wear a path to the spot. In 1773, a settlement was established here for the double purpose of trading with the Indians, and of accom- modating invalids who might seek the benefit of two of these fountains of health, which were then all that were known. These were those since dis- tinguished as the Flat Rock and the High Rock Springs, which had made themselves more ob- vious than the rest by a remarkable limestone deposit around their orifices.
There are now ten or twelve different springs coming to the surface, within the extent of about half a mile, in whose waters the mineral elements of soda, magnesia, lime, and iron, with others in less volume, are combined, in different propor- tions, with carbonic acid gas. Their prevailing character is that of saline and chalybeate waters. Congress Spring, Washington Spring, Putnam's Spring, Pavilion Spring, Iodine Spring, Hamilton Spring, Empire Spring, and the Flat Rock and High Rock Springs, may be mentioned as the most celebrated for their medicinal virtues. A cluster, known as the Ten Springs,'' is situated about a mile E. of the village, the most valued of which is known as the Union Spring. The Mansion House, a well-kept summer establish- ment, is near to this locality.
The Congress Spring is ,the most copious, the most frequented, and the most salubrious of all the springs in Saratoga. It was discovered in 1792, by a member of Congress, named Gillman, issuing from an aperture in the side of a rock, which formed the margin of a little brook. Af- ter several years, the supply from this small ori- fice in the rock being wholly insufficient to meet the increasing demands of visitors, an attempt was made to remove the obstructions to its more abundant flow; in consequence of which the spring for a time disappeared, and was supposed to be forever lost. But at length signs of gas were observed rising through the water, from the bottom of the brook, which led to the ultimate recovery of this most invaluable fountain. By turning aside the stream, and digging about 8 feet through marl and gravel to the rock, its per- manent source was found, and over it a tube 10 inches square was placed, through which an abundant supply of the finest mineral water con- tinually rises to the surface. The Pavilion Spring also is brought from an orifice in.the rock 40 feet under ground, and tubed up at great expense. This spring contains more of the carbonic acid gas than any other, and next to the Congress is most resorted to. |
These waters are highly efficacious in many inveterate cases of disease. But even this is not their most important benefit. They have an al- most magic effect upon the healthy system, to renovate and invigorate its energies, when relaxed from long confinement to business, or from sed- entary habits, and to remove the latent causes of languor and disease. Their chief medicinal properties are of the cathartic and tonic kinds. Large quantities of these waters are bottled, transported, and sold in the various cities, which is one of the methods in which the springs, which are mostly the property of individuals, are made a source of profit to their several own- ers. For the use of the water at the springs no expense is incurred, except what is volun- tarily given to those in waiting. It is a sufficient proof of the estimation in which they are held, to state that upwards of 35,000 persons generally visit Saratoga during the summer season,, and that there are sometimes not less than 3000 vis- itors at the same time in the various hotels and boarding-houses.
We copy the following analysis of several of the above-named springs from the little work of Dr. R. L. Allen, a physician resident at Sara- toga : —
Congress Spring. To one cubic gallon: chloride of sodium, grs. 390.246 ; hydriodate of soda, and bromide of potassium, 6.000 ; carbonate of soda, 9.213; carbonate of magnesia, 100.981 ; carbon- ate of lime, 103.416; carbonate of iron, 1.000; silex and alumina, 1.036. Solid contents, 611.892 Carbonic acid gas, 386.188 ; atmospheric air, 3.261. Gaseous contents, 389.449.
High Rock Spring. To one gallon: chloride of sodium, grs. 190.233; carbonate of magne- sia, 62.100 ; carbonate of lime. 71.533 ; carbonate of soda, 18.421; carbonate of iron, 4.233 ; hydri- odate of soda, 2.177 ; silex and alumina, 2.500; hydriobromate of potash, a small quantity. Solid contents, 351.197.
Carbonic acid gas, 331.666 ; atmospheric air,
2.000. Gaseous contents, 333.666.
Hamilton Spring. To one gallon : chloride of sodium, grs. 290.500; carbonate of soda, 33.500 ; carbonate of lime, 95.321 ; carbonate of magne- sia, 38.000 ; carbonate of iron, 4.500 ; hydriodate of soda, 3.500 ; bromide of potash, a trace ; silex and alumina, 1.000. Solid contents, 466.321.
Carbonic acid gas, 340.777 ; atmospheric air, 2.461. Gaseous contents, 343.238. Tempera- ture of the water, 48°.
Putnam's Spring. To one gallon : chloride of sodium, grs. 220.000 ; carbonate of soda, 15.321 ; carbonate of magnesia, 45.500; carbonate of lime, 70.433 ; carbonate of iron, 5.333 ; hydriodate of soda, 2.500; bromide of potash, a trace; silex and alumina, 1.500. Solid contents, 370.587.
Carbonic acid gas, 317.753; atmospheric air, 3.080. Gaseous contents, 320.833. Temptera- ture, 48°. j
Iodine Spring. To one gallon: chloride ‘of sodium, grs. 147.665; carbonate of magnesia, 73.348 ; carbonate of lime, 28.955 ; carbonate taf soda, 3.000 ; carbonate of iron, .900 ; hydriodate of soda, 3.566. Solid contents, 257.434. \
Carbonic acid gas, 344.000; atmospheric aiff, 2.500. Gaseous contents, 346.5. T
Pavilion Spring. To one gallon : chloride on sodium, grs. 183.814; carbonate of soda, 6.000} carbonate of lime, 59.593 ; carbonate of magnesia! 58.266 ; carbonate of iron, 4.133 ; iodide, sodiumj |