
Book & Page
Main Entry
Brookes’ page 516 LeftMonte Falco < Papal States < ItalyDirectional
Brookes’ page 530 LeftNarni < States of the Church < ItalyDirectional
Brookes’ page 550 LeftNocera < Spoleto < ItalyDirectional
Brookes’ page 550 RightNorcia < Spole < ItalyDirectional
Brookes’ page 595 LeftPerugia < Papal States < ItalyMentioned
Brookes’ page 646 RightSabina < Pope’s Dominions < ItalyMentioned
Brookes’ page 668 RightSegna < Hungarian Dalmatia < MorlachiaDirectional
Brookes’ page 691 RightSpello < Spoleto < ItalyDirectional
Brookes’ page 717 LeftTerni < Spoleto < Ecclesiastical StatesDirectional
Brookes’ page 725 LeftTodi < Spoleto < Papal StatesDirectional
Brookes’ page 732 RightTrevi < Spoleto < ItalyDirectional
Brookes’ page 742 LeftUmbria < ItalySynonym for Umbria < Italy